Today marks year three of our design business. and so, We wanted to take a minute to thank you for supporting us over the last 3 years of Katherine bramlett (& now Katherine B. Melvin!) design. when I started this journey in design, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting into, but I knew I had a passion I wanted to pursue. I began by interning for Rachel halvorson in nashville, then pursuing schooling in design in Texas, and after, working for marjorie Johnston & co in birmingham for years. I was not certain of what this career would become, but had a strong desire to take a chance. so I just set out to learn as much as I could. now in year 3 of running this design business, I have learned more than I ever imagined about design & business, & really life. our office in MB village has grown and our team has grown too. I am thankful for each person & project that has been a part of this journey. and in the spirit of growth & change, from now on, we will officially be Katherine B. Melvin Design. We hope you’ll continue to follow along on our design journey.

Below, I've shared some of our mission statement here at KBM- aka essentially a nerd out session on why we love design & home. I hope it will inspire you in some little way! but mostly…

T H A N K Y O U.


I am fortunate to have grown up in a place and family that loves home. The solace & joy that one takes in their home is very present in my hometown.  You come to associate certain elements of home with different neighbors— each home a part of the whole of a beautiful community.  There is an inherent value in home here that I am thankful that it embedded in me at an early age.  As time has has passed & life has gone on, I’ve found myself constantly returning to home — reflecting upon the spaces that have shaped me and those that currently surround me.  The further I think on it, I’m more and more certain of the importance of home. Some will say— why does it matter what your home feels like or looks like? It is simply a place to rest your head. They will laugh at my belief that home is one of the most important elements of our lives.  Others might think: a beautiful home is a nice idea but not practical for my life— due to circumstances (kids, dogs, etc.) or my budget doesn’t allow for a home that I love (“I’ll have my dream home someday, but not now), or “I’d love to have a home that I love and feel comfortable in but I don’t know where to begin.”  All of these thoughts are understandable and valid; however, I believe that a beautiful home is not the one that is the most posh (although there are certainly places for glamorous homes!) but that the most beautiful homes celebrate the simple, beautiful every day.  

Our design team uses this as the banner over all of our work— we want to work with each of our clients to create the home that celebrates their beautiful everyday life. This will look different for each of our clients. For some of our clients, they live a more glam life with more formal gatherings & would rather their surroundings dazzle than be durable; while for other clients, responding to their everyday life means indoor/outdoor fabrics and open floor plans. There are, of course, some things that are universal amongst projects — we have developed a path of principles that we use to guide our clients (and ourselves!) through each project. We have found that thinking of each project — whether a full home or one small room — in this way is both helpful & beneficial to all. 

My hope is that in sharing some of our process that it will help you to think about your own home.  I also hope that it will inspire you to reflect on your own home— what you love, what you don’t.  Perhaps beginning this thinking will allow you to fall in love with your home again or for the first time.  Home can be a place of great importance and joy. We ought to also feel comfortable in our homes— may they be a place of love, growth, and peace.  I think also as you read this, you will see that there is a place for professionals in home design — whether its an interior designer, architect, a friend with a good eye, an online program, or studying one of the great shelter magazines. There is without a doubt a science and a thoughtfulness to home design that if considered can greatly multiply what we get out of our homes. 

We hope you’ll join us as we share more about how we work, the work we do, and home design (& home-living!) in general.  To summarize a lot of thoughts: design & home are our passion and its fun to share it with others.